GE FANUC IC660EPM100J ELECTRONIC MODULE.The GE Fanuc IC660EPM100J is considered an ELECTRONIC MODULE and represents a power block microprocessor that implements arithmetic and logic functions and handles input signals. the IC660EPM100J supports AC or DC power supplies and voltage or current inputs. the IC660EPM100J supports input voltages ranging from 100 volts DC to 150 volts DC or 90 volts AC to 265 volts AC, and frequency ranges from 47 to 63 Hz. The IC660EPM100J supports input voltages ranging from 100 volts DC to 150 volts DC or 90 volts AC to 265 volts AC with a frequency range of 47 to 63 Hz. The IC660EPM100J voltage inputs support one to three phases with voltages ranging from 60 volts AC to 120 volts AC and frequencies ranging from 47 to 63 Hz. The IC660EPM100J current inputs support one to three phases with currents ranging from zero (0) to 5 amps. The IC660EPM100J can be plugged in and mounted in a block.The IC660EPM100J is configured to provide a data rate of 153.6 kilobits via Genius I/O HHM.
The IC660EPM100J has panel LEDs to indicate communication bus and block status.The IC660EPM100J can be mounted on the Genius bus up to a maximum distance of 2286 metres (7500 ft.) from the PLC or host computer.It provides handshaking protocols by sending 16-bit status data and 36-byte calculated data.The IC660EPM100J detects overcurrent transient patterns and stores 128 samples per input. It provides handshaking protocols by sending 16-bit status data and 36 bytes of calculated data. the IC660EPM100J detects overcurrent transient patterns and stores 128 samples per input. the IC660EPM100J is used in many power control applications. the IC660EPM100J operates in industrial environments at temperatures from 0 to 60 degrees Celsius (32 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit). The IC660EPM100J is used in many power control applications.
Weight: 3.3kg
Size: 33*20*14cm
Country of origin: USA
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