ABB UNITROL 1020 and UNITROL 1010 are designed for a wide range of ambient temperature and harsh environmental conditions and can be mounted directly on the machine.UNITROL 1010 is a compact device with limited functionality and is designed for excitation currents up to 10 A nominal. It supports the same interfaces and has the same mechanical footprint as UNITROL 1020. ABB UNITROL 1020 and UNITROL 1010 are the latest productsof the UNITROL 1000 family. For most reliable operation,the communication and control tasks are split in separatecontrollers. The non-volatile flash memory of the AVRstores events and data logs to enable fault analysis andfast trouble shooting. Time synchronization is done overEthernet communication, and the events and data logsare time-stamped.
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ABB UNIROL1010 3BHE035301R0001 Brushless excitation system UNITROL- 1010.pdf
The ABB UNITROL® 1010 is a powerful and compact indirect excitation system for small and medium-sized synchronous generators and industrial machinery, fully compliant with DNV and UL standards. Its advanced microprocessor technology and IGBT semiconductors allow current outputs up to 10 ADC for continuous operation. You may also want: UNITROL® 1000.
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